Sponsored by APWA’s International Affairs Committee Join former Jennings Randolph Fellows in an upbeat exploration of their intriguing and enlightening experiences participating in this program that provides opportunities for exchange information, trends, and advances in public works with APWA’s international partners. 

Learning Objectives:

1.     Differentiate yourself as a Jennings Randolph Fellow – a select group of scholars.

2.     Challenge yourself – step outside your own borders, in terms of country, to learn how others approach public works.

3.     Educate others, establish relationships, add to the global body of knowledge – all while conducting a study tour of your own design.


Helena K. Allison, Ing, PWLF

Dr. Carla D. Dillon
Engineering Supervisor,  Orange County CA,  Fountain Valley,  CA

Ray C. Funnye, PWLF
PUBLIC SERVICES DIRECTOR,  Georgetown County SC,  Georgetown,  SC

Tyler Palmer
Division Manager,  City of Moscow,  Moscow,  ID

Noel C. Thompson, PWLF
CONSULTANT,  Thompson Resources,  Louisville,  KY

Ross Vincent
Chief Executive,  IPWEA NZ,  Wellington,

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Helena K. Allison, Ing, PWLF